In Bihar East Champaran district, situated on the Indo-Nepal border fake currency notes are being circulated which has taken inquisitive turn. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) lodged an FIR against the State Bank of India (SBI) for depositing fake currency notes in the RBI. The FIR was lodged by the RBI’s Patna-based manager Robin Tirkey at the Town police station of
Motihari assistant superintendent of police (ASP) Anil Kumar Singh informed investigation is being done. In
SBI's Patna-based GM Sameer Sharan showed false ignorance about such an FIR. He told TOI, "Today being a holiday on account of Bakrid, we will have details by tomorrow and we will do the needful".
For quite sometime the bordering district has been in the news as it is considered as a haven of fake currency racketeers. Police teams of different states keep descending on the Nawtan block in the district and conduct raids following leads on fake currency. Several arrests have also been made from the block.
Last month two such racketeers belonging to Nawtan were arrested in